乾燒明蝦 CrystalPrawns
Source:    Publish Time: 2013-07-03 18:25   2364 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px





Sautéed prawns like these never fail to win approval from my family. They are simple to make, with just a hint of fresh ginger and green onion, and a dash of vinegar.

MAKES: 6 servings cooking time: 10 minutes

1 pound medium-size prawns (26 to30 counts)


Pinch salt

Pinch white pepper

1 egg white

2 teaspoons cornstarch

1 tablespoon vegetable oil

Vegetable oil, for blanching


1/4 cup chicken broth

1/4 teaspoon minced fresh ginger

1 teaspoon dry sherry

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon sugar

2 green onions (white part), diagonally sliced 1/4- inch thick

Dash white vinegar

Cornstarch paste

Shell, devein, and rinse prawns; pat dry and split in half lengthwise. Combine MARINADE ingredients with prawns in the order listed. Mix well and let stand

For 1 minutes.

To oil- blanch,set work over high heat for about 1 minute. Add 3 cups oil and heat

To 300. Add prawns, stirring gently to separate. Blanch for 1 minute, remove, and drain.

Combine SAUCE ingredients and set aside.

To stir-fry, remove all but 2 tablespoons oil from wok. Add green onion and stir-fry for 15 seconds. Return prawns and stir-fry for 10 seconds. Sprinkle with vinegar, pour

In sauce, and bring to a boil. Thicken with 1 teaspoon cornstarch paste. Remove immediately and transfer to serving plate.



明蝦             ……………………              8隻

蔥末       ……………………              1大匙

蒜末       ……………………              2大匙

薑末       ……………………              1大匙

蕃茄醬     ……………………              4大匙

辣豆瓣醬 ……………………         1大匙

①      酒           ……………………              1大匙

鹽        ……………………              1小匙

味精             ……………………              1/2小匙

醬油             ……………………              1大匙

糖        ……………………              1小匙

高湯             ……………………              3大匙

太白粉水   ……………………              1大匙

沙拉油     ……………………              1/2飯碗



1.   明蝦剪去鬚眼、腳,剪開蝦背,抽去泥腸。

2.   平底鍋中先入1/4碗沙拉油燒熱,明蝦全部放入,用小火煎熟一面後,再換另外一面,務使蝦肉熟透。

3.   好的明蝦,再入清水中加薑末少許同煮,待水煮滾即可撈起瀝乾。

4.   餘油入鍋燒熱,爆香蔥、薑、蒜後加蕃茄醬、豆瓣醬妙勻,再入①料與明蝦同燒,滾後改小火續燒,待湯汁快乾加入太白粉水勾芡,即可盛盤供食。




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